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Nov 4, 2002

What We Could Rationally Will

SpeakerDerek Parfit
May 14, 1997

The Origin of Satan in Christian Tradition

SpeakerElaine Pagels
Feb 16, 2011

Lecture I. Frameworks Lecture II. Analyzing One-HundredYear-Old Irrigation Puzzles

SpeakerElinor Ostrom
Apr 1, 1996

Kant on Reason and Religion

SpeakerOnora O'Neil
Mar 31, 1982

Biological Determinism

SpeakerR. C. Lewontin
Nov 5, 2008

Philosophical Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian W

SpeakerSari Nusseibeh

Beyond the Social Contract: Toward Global Justice

SpeakerMartha C. Nussbaum
Nov 13, 1991

Decisions of Principle, Principles of Decision

SpeakerRobert Nozick
Mar 23, 2011

The Ancient Quarrel: Philosophy and Literature

SpeakerRebecca Newberger Goldstein
Mar 26, 2010

Victims and Heroes

SpeakerSusan Neiman
Apr 9, 2001

A Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art

SpeakerAlexander Nehamas
May 4, 1979

The Limits of Objectivity

SpeakerThomas Nagel
Apr 19, 1988 | The Instituto de Derechos Humanos

The Alternative of Dissent

SpeakerJavier Muguerza (Translated by Phillip Silver)
Oct 7, 1988

Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature

SpeakerToni Morrison
May 16, 1985

Authority and Inequality under Capitalism and Socialism

SpeakerBarrington Moore, Jr.
Apr 29, 1991

Citizenship and Justice in the Lives and Thoughts of Nineteenth-Century American Workers

SpeakerDavid Montgomery
Mar 24, 2008

Global Justice and Climate Change: How Should Responsibilities Be Distributed?

SpeakerDavid MIller
The Graduate Center

Theorizing Racial Justice

SpeakerCharles W. Mills
May 17, 1984

Music and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century

SpeakerLeonard B. Meyer
Mar 30, 2006

Tension and Intention: The American Constitutions and the Shaping of Democracies Abroad

SpeakerMargaret H. Marshall
May 4, 2005

I. Indecent Compromise II. Decent Peace

SpeakerAvishair Margalit
Mar 4, 1996

Peacemaking from the Grassroots in a World of Ethnic Conflict

SpeakerMairead Corrigan Maguire
Apr 6, 1994

Truthfulness, Lies, and Moral Philosophers: What Can We Learn from Mill and Kant?

SpeakerAlasdair Macintyre
Oct 11, 1989

Strategy: A New Era?

SpeakerEdward N. Luttwak
Mar 31, 1982

Biological Determinism

SpeakerR.C. Lewontin
Feb 26, 1990

Europe and Islam

SpeakerBernard Lewis
Nov 3, 1999

The End of “German Culture”

SpeakerWolf Lepenies
Oct 10, 2012

Lecture I. The Turn against Institutions Lecture II. What Transactions Can’t Do

SpeakerNicholas Lemann
Sep 14, 2010

America through My Lens: The Evolving Nature of Race and Class in the Films of Spike Lee

SpeakerSpike Lee
Nov 29, 1999 | Clare Hall


SpeakerJonathan Lear